The Romanian Black Sea coast 245 km length concentrates natural and anthropic features very significant at national and international level. The Romanian coast is under a constant pressure. The increasing demand for coastal resources is leading to their degradation. This fact can be expressed as reduced water quality, accelerated erosion, accumulation of pollution, loss of fisheries resources. This degradation has negative social and economic consequences.
The elaboration of the policy and of efficient coastal resources management project requires a good knowledge of the natural system behaviour. This supposes a careful investigation of the natural coastal environment. Our activities in this field are still in incipient phase (project).
Modalities for beach-dune reconstruction
Dune area fitting out is based on the coastal zone management recommendations. The main function of littoral dunes is to prevent and to reduce the impact of floods induced by marine storms. Of course, in this action we take into account also the importance of coastal dunes for the social and economical development of the area and for the aesthetic impact.
The project points to the test of the methods employed in ecological coastal dune reconstruction. The pilot area, in the frame of which we develop this study, stretches on a 1400 m2 in the southern part of Sfantu Gheorghe beach. We’ve chosen this sector for the development of the study because of the beach – dune system vulnerability at storm waves attack.
The fitting out of dune barrier follows three main objectives:
- The formation of a well-developed dune belt, as protection structure against storm waves attack;
- The conservation and amelioration of natural ecosystems;
- The increase of the atractivity for touristical activities in the region.
- The instalation of reed-built sand fences, transverse on the resultant eolian drift direction;
- The bordering of spaces with pedestrian access;
- The interdiction of greezing in beach-dune area in agreement with the administrative council of the Sfantu Gheorghe village.