GIS and Remote Sensing applications are related to the analysis of Earth Observation data (satellite images, aerial photographs) in order to obtain valuable information related to: coastline dynamics, impact of marine storms, barrier islands dynamics, the evolution of vegetation cover on Black Sea beaches and Danube Delta, sea water turbidity in the coastal area.
Our latest project was financed by European Space Agency and developed a new methodology for satellite data fusion in order to obtain improved products of ocean colour (especially coastal waters turbidity) at increased spatial (tens of meters) and radiometric resolutions.
- Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tătui, F., Constantinescu, Ș., Zăinescu, F., 2017. Danube Delta coastline evolution (1856 – 2010), In: Rădoane, M. and Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.), Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer Geography, 551-564, ISBN 978-3-319-32589-7.
- Constantin, S., Constantinescu, Ș., Doxaran, D., 2017. Long-term analysis of turbidity patterns in Danube Delta coastal area based on MODIS satellite data. Journal of Marine Systems 170, 10–21.
- Constantin, S., Doxaran, D., Constantinescu, Ș., 2016. Estimation of water turbidity and analysis of its spatio-temporal variability in the Danube River plume (Black Sea) using MODIS satellite data, Continental Shelf Research, 12, 14-30.
- Constantinescu, S., 2014. Various approaches to the Danube Delta: from maps to reality, In: Iordachi, C. and van Assche, K. (Eds.), The Biopolitics of the Danube Delta: Nature, History, Policies, Lexington Books, 153-181, ISBN 978-0-7391-9514-7.
- Rus , I., Balint, C., Craciunescu, V., Constantinescu, S., Ovejanu, I., Bartos-Elekes, Zs. 2010. Automated georeference of the 1:20 000 Romanian maps under Lambert-Cholesky (1916–1959) projection system, Acta Geodetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 45(1), 105–111.
- Constantinescu, S., Giosan, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., 2010. A cartographical perspective to engineering works at the Sulina mouth, the Danube Delta. Acta Geodetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 45 (1), 71-79.